Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Newness in the spring!

Introducing the newest baby to the blog...Cameron! What a sweet little guy. He seemed SOOOO TINY compared to my tank aka Moses. But it was crazy to think that our tank was 2lbs smaller then this little guy. Anyways...Cameron is great...he likes to eat and wear cute hats. Oh and he stayed awake for the entire 2hr shoot. What newborn does that!  ENJOY a few sneak peeks at my time with this happy little family.

Easter Emily

Here are a couple of my favorite little miss emily... Can't wait to capture more of her today infact!

 Moses: "Mom come on...not on a first date...get the camera out of my face..."

easter day

Braggin' momma....Here are a few shots captured on Easter Sunday...